Gryffindor Tartan Plaid Pattern Hawaiian Shirt Mens Button Down Plus Size Tropical Hawaii Beach Shirts
Gryffindor Tartan Plaid Pattern Hawaiian Shirt Mens Button Down Plus Size Tropical Hawaii Beach Shirts

Gryffindor Tartan Plaid Pattern Hawaiian Shirt Mens Button Down Plus Size Tropical Hawaii Beach Shirts

Pattern: Gryffindor Tartan Plaid Pattern
(Tax included)
Sold 2
Color:  Plaid
Size:  2XS
const getPluginI18nMessages = (message, replaceObj = {}) => { const lang = document.documentElement.lang || "en-US"; const [form, key] = message.split('.') let text = window.payment_plugin_message['en-US'][form][key]; if (window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form].hasOwnProperty(key)) { text = window.payment_plugin_message[lang][form][key]; } Object.keys(replaceObj).forEach(key => { text = text.replace(new RegExp(`\{${key}\}`, 'gi'), replaceObj[key]); }) return text; } const zhCN = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多支付方式", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "快捷支付按钮", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "请点击左侧列表中的「快捷支付按钮」,在设置页面开启想要的展示的支付按钮", mock_tips: "快捷支付按钮是否展示还取决于买家使用的浏览器以及商品的货币、金额", not_find_form_tips: "快捷支付按钮组件仅支持配置到商品详情卡片内", } }; const zhTW = { ec: { not_active_channel: "请到收款设置中{channelName}或在「快捷支付按钮」设置中选择其他的服务提供方,否则按钮将无法展示", not_support_theme: "当前主题不支持添加「快捷支付按钮」", more_button: "更多付款方式", } }; const arSA = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "المزيد من خيارات الدفع", } }; const deDE = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten", } }; const esES = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Más opciones de pago", } }; const frFR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Plus d'options de paiement", } }; const idID = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Opsi pembayaran lainnya", } }; const itIT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Altre opzioni di pagamento", } }; const jaJP = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "その他の支払いオプション", } }; const koKR = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "더 많은 결제 옵션", } }; const enUS = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "More payment options", skeleton_layer_tips_title: "Express Checkout Button", skeleton_layer_tips_content: "Please click the「Express checkout button」on the block list,then you could enable the payment option you want to display in settings.", mock_tips: "Whether the Express checkout button is displayed also depends on the browser used by the buyer and the currency and amount of the product.", not_find_form_tips: "Express Checkout Button could only be added to Product details block.", } }; const nlNL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Meer betalingsmogelijkheden", } }; const plPL = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Więcej Opcji Płatności", } }; const ptPT = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Mais opções de pagamento", } }; const ruRU = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "Другие варианты оплаты", } }; const thTH = { ec: { not_active_channel: "Please activate {channelName} on B Admin or select another provider in the「Express checkout button」 settings, otherwise it will not display.", not_support_theme: "This Theme doesn't support adding「Express checkout button」", more_button: "ตัวเลือกการชำระเงินเพิ่มเติม", } }; window.payment_plugin_message = { getPluginI18nMessages, "zh-CN": zhCN, "zh-TW": zhTW, "ar-SA": arSA, "de-DE": deDE, "es-ES": esES, "fr-FR": frFR, "id-ID": idID, "it-IT": itIT, "ja-JP": jaJP, "ko-KR": koKR, "en-US": enUS, "nl-NL": nlNL, "pl-PL": plPL, "pt-PT": ptPT, "ru-RU": ruRU, "th-TH": thTH, } document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_plugin_message_reader'));
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const productData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($product || {})); return productData || {}; } return {}; }, isChrome() { return navigator?.userAgent?.indexOf('Chrome') > -1 || navigator?.userAgent?.indexOf('CriOS') > -1; }, isSafari() { let userAgentString = navigator.userAgent; let chromeAgent = userAgentString.indexOf('Chrome') > -1 || navigator?.userAgent?.indexOf('CriOS') > -1; let safariAgent = userAgentString.indexOf('Safari') > -1; if (chromeAgent && safariAgent) { safariAgent = false; } return safariAgent; }, isPreview() { return !!window?.C_EDITING_SETTINGS?.oseid; }, multiply(a, b) { const precision = 2; // 保留两位小数 return Number((a * b).toFixed(precision)); }, loadScript(fnReady, id, src, datasets, onError, attributeConfig = {}) { const sdkDomId = id + '-sdk'; if (fnReady() || document.getElementById(sdkDomId)) { return Promise.resolve({id: true}); } return new Promise((resolve) => { const s = document.createElement('script'); = sdkDomId; s.src = src; s.defer = true; if (datasets) { Object.keys(datasets).map((item) => { s.dataset[item] = datasets[item]; 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return await response.json() } catch (error) { throw new Error('get request error' + error); } } }, debounce(fn, wait) { let timeout = null; return function () { if (timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function () { fn.apply(this, arguments); }, wait); } }, delayCallback(cb) { window.requestIdleCallback ? requestIdleCallback(cb, {timeout: 50}) : setTimeout(cb, 50); }, loadFilly(tag, cb) { if (!tag) { return } const script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javaScript'; script.src = `//${tag}`; script.onload = cb; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }, ecEvent: { on: (eventName, listener, useCapture) => { eventListeners[eventName] = listener; window.addEventListener(eventName, listener, useCapture); }, emit: (eventName, data) => window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, {detail: data})), } } } dom.commonUtilsFn = commonUtils; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { commonUtils: true } })) } catch (e) { } // 核心数据 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1651799308132-7'); const coreData = function () { const {getProduct} = dom.commonUtils; let productDetail = getProduct(); let productPrice = productDetail?.selected?.price || 26.27; const shopCurrencyCode = "USD"; const expressCheckoutList = { sdkErrorList: [], paymentChannelList: [], disabledChannelList: [], showChannelList: [], blockChannelList: [], extraChannelList: [], }; const channelType = { googlepay: ['shoplazzagoogle'], applepay: ['shoplazzaapple'], credit: ['paypal'] }; const ecGlobalVarEnums = { paypal: 'pluginPaypalEC' }; const providerEnums = { SHOPLAZZA: 'shoplazza', STRIPE: 'stripe', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelEnums = { SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE: 'shoplazzagoogle', SHOPLAZZA_APPLE: 'shoplazzaapple', STRIPE_GOOGLE: 'stripegoogle', STRIPE_APPLE: 'stripeapple', PAYPAL: 'paypal' }; const channelThemeConfig = { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: { default: { url: 'oss/operation/f557c83808e1cd456411170286a1ea95.svg', classList: ['paypal-card'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/778afb93da43adf75bdc80b078e5d4fd.svg', classList: ['googlepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/e53180c224f0b0af44b44663775aa930.svg', classList: ['googlepay-dark'], }, }, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: { light: { url: 'oss/operation/dadceb884044e0a9bbfe26c15192f542.svg', classList: ['applepay-light'], }, dark: { url: 'oss/operation/6597f66eac8b0681ebfb75941e8f6f52.svg', classList: ['applepay-dark'], }, }, }; function getContainerDomId() { const domIdObj = {}; Object.keys(providerEnums).forEach(key => { domIdObj[providerEnums[key]] = FormatterContainerDomId(providerEnums[key]) }) return domIdObj; } function FormatterContainerDomId(provider) { const domIDSuffix = '-express-button-container'; const prefix = 'pm-'; return `${prefix}${provider}${domIDSuffix}-1651799308132-7` } return { ecGlobalVarEnums, providerEnums, channelEnums, productPrice, shopCurrencyCode, getChannelThemeConfig(ecName) { const themeType = window.PaymentEC?.settings?.express_theme_configs?.[ecName]?.theme_type?.toLowerCase() || 'default'; return channelThemeConfig[ecName][themeType] || channelThemeConfig[ecName]['dark']; }, getProductPrice() { return productDetail?.selected?.price; }, getProductDetail() { return productDetail; }, setProductDetail(data) { productDetail = data; }, isRequiresShipping() { return productDetail?.product?.requires_shipping }, getOpenChannelType() { const {paymentChannelList, blockChannelList} = expressCheckoutList const openList = paymentChannelList.filter(item => blockChannelList.includes(item)) || []; return { hasApplepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.applepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasGooglepay: openList.filter(item => channelType.googlepay.includes(item))?.length > 0, hasCredit: openList.filter(item => > 0 } }, containerDomId: getContainerDomId(), channel2ProviderEnums: { [channelEnums.PAYPAL]: providerEnums.PAYPAL, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.SHOPLAZZA_APPLE]: providerEnums.SHOPLAZZA, [channelEnums.STRIPE_GOOGLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, [channelEnums.STRIPE_APPLE]: providerEnums.STRIPE, }, getExpressCheckoutList() { return expressCheckoutList; }, setShowChannel(showChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.showChannelList = showChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setBlockChannel(blockChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.blockChannelList = blockChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setPaymentChannelList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.paymentChannelList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setSdkErrorList(paymentChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.sdkErrorList = paymentChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.extraChannelList = extraChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; }, setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList = []) { expressCheckoutList.disabledChannelList = disabledChannelList; return expressCheckoutList; } } } dom.coreDataFn = coreData; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { coreData: true } })) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // 通用业务数据处理方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1651799308132-7') const businessUtils = function () { const {track, isChrome, isSafari, req, isPreview, multiply} = dom.commonUtils; const {getProductPrice, containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums} = dom.coreData; const { channelEnums, shopCurrencyCode, isRequiresShipping, getProductDetail, setShowChannel, setBlockChannel, setSdkErrorList, setExtraChannelList, setDisabledChannelList, setPaymentChannelList, getExpressCheckoutList } = dom.coreData; const _businessUtils = { getECConfig: async () => { if (window.PaymentEC?.settings) { return window.PaymentEC?.settings; } const result = await req.get('/api/payment/settings'); const ecConfig = result?.settings?.express_checkout_config || {}; const {blockChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); setPaymentChannelList(blockChannelList.filter(ecName => ecConfig?.express_channels?.includes(ecName)) || []); window.PaymentEC.settings = {...ecConfig, currencyCode: shopCurrencyCode}; return window.PaymentEC.settings; }, getAttributeConfig(channelInfo) { const {ecGlobalVar, ecName} = channelInfo; const config = { paypal: { 'data-namespace': ecGlobalVar } }; return config[ecName] || {}; }, getThemeFormData() { let themeFormData = {}; const formDOM = dom.closest("form"); if (formDOM) { themeFormData = { note: '', product_id: '', variant_id: '', quantity: 1, properties: {}, }; const formData = new FormData(formDOM); const formDataKey = formData.keys(); for (const key of formDataKey) { const value = formData.get(key); const propertiesKey = key.match(/^properties(?:\.(\w+)$|\[(\w+)\]$)/); if (!propertiesKey) { themeFormData[key] = value; continue; } const objKey = propertiesKey[1] || propertiesKey[2]; themeFormData['properties'] = {...themeFormData['properties'], [objKey]: value}; } } return themeFormData; }, getProductFormData() { const themeFormData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData() return [{ ...themeFormData, note: themeFormData?.note || "", product_id: themeFormData?.product_id || "", variant_id: themeFormData?.variant_id || "", quantity: themeFormData?.quantity || 1, // 与主题确认,只以一个为准,防止form不存在的数据仍被传递 properties: themeFormData?.properties || {}, }] }, getOrderFetchParams(data) { if (!data) { return {}; } return { line_items: => ({ ...item, note: item?.note || "", quantity: item?.quantity || 1, product_id: item?.product_id, variant_id: item?.variant_id, properties: item?.properties, })), refer_info: { source: 'buy_now', }, customer_note: '', }; }, isAllowTheme() { const allowThemeList = ['Nova 2023', 'Dropshiping', 'Geek', 'Hero']; const currentTheme = window?.C_SETTINGS?.theme?.merchant_theme_name; return allowThemeList.includes(currentTheme); }, getSubscriptionIdInit() { let defaultID; const selectSubscriptionEnum = { CLOSE: 1, ACTIVE: 2, } const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const sellingPlan = ""; if (!sellingPlan || typeof sellingPlan !== "object") { return null; } let sellingItems; if (sellingPlan?.spu?.[productDetail?.product?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.spu[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingPlan?.sku?.[productDetail?.selected?.id]) { sellingItems = sellingPlan.sku[productDetail?.product?.id] } if (sellingItems?.cycles === selectSubscriptionEnum.ACTIVE && sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id) { defaultID = sellingItems?.selected_selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null }, getSubscriptionId() { const formData = _businessUtils.getThemeFormData(); const defaultID = _businessUtils.getSubscriptionIdInit(); console.log(`[paymentEC]订阅信息:form-${formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id},默认-${defaultID}`); if (formData?.properties) { return formData?.properties?._selling_plan_option_id } return defaultID ?? null; }, isSubscription() { return !!_businessUtils.getSubscriptionId(); }, isAllowSubscriptionPay(channel) { if (!_businessUtils.isSubscription()) { return true; } return [channelEnums.PAYPAL].includes(channel); }, blockChannelHandler() { const block_googlePay = true && "shoplazzagoogle"; const block_applePay = true && "shoplazzaapple"; const block_credit = true && "paypal"; const blockChannel = { googlepay: (isPreview() || isChrome()) && block_googlePay, applepay: (isPreview() || isSafari()) && block_applePay, credit: block_credit }; const sortList = ['credit', 'googlepay', 'applepay']; const methodSort = Object.keys(blockChannel).filter(key => blockChannel[key] && key).sort((a, b) => { const indexA = sortList.indexOf(a); const indexB = sortList.indexOf(b); return indexA - indexB; }).map(key => blockChannel[key]); const result = setBlockChannel(methodSort); track('setBlockChannel', result); return result; }, showECButtonHandler() { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList); track('showECButton', result); return result; }, filterECButtonHandler({type}, cb) { const { paymentChannelList, sdkErrorList, disabledChannelList, extraChannelList, } = getExpressCheckoutList(); const showChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter((ecName) => !sdkErrorList.includes(ecName) && !disabledChannelList.includes(ecName) && !extraChannelList.includes(ecName)) || []; const result = setShowChannel(showChannelList.filter((ecName) => ecName !== type) || []); cb && cb(); track('filterECButton', result); return result; }, loadSDKErrorHandler(type) { const {sdkErrorList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setSdkErrorList([...sdkErrorList, type]); track('loadSDKError', result); return result; }, extraFilterShowHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList(extraChannelList.filter(ecName => ecName !== channel)); track('extraFilterEvent_show', result); return result; }, extraFilterHideHandler(channel) { const {extraChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const result = setExtraChannelList([...extraChannelList, channel]); track('extraFilterEvent_hide', result); return result; }, disabledChannelListHandler(checkoutData = {}, cb) { const {paymentChannelList} = getExpressCheckoutList(); const productDetail = getProductDetail(); const disabledChannelList = paymentChannelList.filter(ecName => { let mustDisable = false; if (!isRequiresShipping() && ecName !== channelEnums.PAYPAL) { mustDisable = true; } if (!_businessUtils.isAllowSubscriptionPay(ecName)) { mustDisable = true; } if (!productDetail?.selected?.available) { mustDisable = true; } const {payment_due} = checkoutData?.prices; const paymentDueNum = Number(payment_due || 0) * 100; const showFlag = paymentDueNum > 0; return mustDisable || !showFlag; }) const result = setDisabledChannelList(disabledChannelList) result?.disabledChannelList?.forEach(ecName => { cb && cb(ecName); }) track('disabledChannelListEvent', result); }, async getCheckoutData() { const formData = _businessUtils.getProductFormData(); const totalPrice = multiply(getProductPrice(), formData?.[0]?.quantity || 0); return { prices: {payment_due: totalPrice, subtotal_price: totalPrice}, orderParams: _businessUtils.getOrderFetchParams(_businessUtils.getProductFormData()), containerDOMIdEnums: containerDomId, ecGlobalVarEnums } }, } return _businessUtils } dom.businessUtilsFn = businessUtils; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('payment_ec_core_ready', { detail: { businessUtils: true } })) } catch (e) { } // 通用渲染方法 try { const dom = document.getElementById('pm-payment-express-button-1651799308132-7'); const containerDOM = 'pm-payment-express-button-container-1651799308132-7'; const commonRenderUtils = function () { return { addChildrenDOM(id, allowShow, options = {}) { if (!id) { return; } const paymentEl = document.getElementById(containerDOM); const childrenEL = document.getElementById(id); if (paymentEl && childrenEL) { = allowShow ? 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Pattern: Gryffindor Tartan Plaid Pattern

Color: Plaid

Product Details

  • Design No.: SFNWMHSG1805
  • Details: Button down
  • Style: Vintage / Boho
  • Type: Shirt
  • Neckline: Collar
  • Sleeve Length: Short sleeve
  • Sleeve Type: Regular sleeve
  • Length: Regular
  • Fit Type: Regular fit
  • Fabric: Non-Stretch
  • Material: Polyester
  • Composition: 100% polyester
  • Sheer: No

About this Item

  • This gryffindor tartan plaid pattern hawaiian shirt made of soft and coolness.
  • Classic print, button down, and pocket front.
  • Good choice for summer, beach, holiday, and surfing
  • Lightweight, spread collar, hawaiian stylish, side cut, relaxed fit.


With the island living trend of vacationing in paradise, you can go anywhere in this gryffindor tartan plaid pattern shirt. Ease into the summer with this sleek, summer-ready Hawaiian shirt. You'll love the relaxed feel of these button-down front shirts as they are made from light and soft fabric-making them perfect for hot days in the sun when you want something to keep things cool.

Shipping & Returns

Processing Time:

  • All our products are made to order; please allow 4-6 Business days of processing time to ensure product quality.
  • We process orders Monday to Friday EST.
  • Order cutoff time: 2:00 PM EST
  • Excluding post-office-mandated holidays: New Year’s Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas.

Shipping Method: Standard Ground Shipping

Shipping Time:

The Shipping Time will also be dependent on busy holiday delivery delays. You can see the shipping cost on the checkout page. After your order has been processed, the following is a general timeframe:

  • U.S. 8-12 Business days, 4-6 Business Days(DHL)
  • Canada 11-15 Business days
  • Australia 8-15 Business days
  • the United Kingdom 10-13 Business days
  • Netherlands 10-14 Business days
  • Ireland 10-13 Business days
  • EU, New Zealand  9-15 Business days
  • Other Countries 8-20 Business Days

Delivery time = Processing time + Shipping time.

Go to our Shipping Policy page to learn more.

Cancellation window: Within 24 hours

Returns & exchanges: Accepted

Return & exchange window: 30 days from item delivery

Holidays Return Window Extension: 60 days from item delivery (Applies to orders placed between Nov 30, 2023, and Dec 31, 2023, EST, if applicable).

Go to our Returns & Refunds Policy page to learn more.


FAQs Page

Last updated: March 1, 2023



After making your purchase, you will receive an email receipt and confirmation of your order. You can log into your account from the home page. This account will take you to your dashboard. On this page, you'll be able to locate all orders placed recently and review arrival times for your purchases.
For more tracking information, please visit your Order Lookup page.

How to modify/cancel your order

We all change our minds sometimes. If you've submitted an order online for no more than 24 hours and wish to modify or cancel the order, please email our customer care team at

What forms of payment do you accept online?

Neewho accepts VISA, Mastercard, American express, discover, JCB, and PayPal for your web shopping needs. 

What if I do not receive my order?

If you are still unable to determine where your order is after tracking your order, please email us at for assistance. 

Can I ship to apo/FPO addresses?

Neewho offers U.S. USPS mail service to P.O. boxes & apo/FPO U.S. Military addresses. Due to military handling times, we cannot estimate shipping times to apo/FPO addresses. Be sure to enter the apo or FPO information in the city field and the code of the armed forces in the state field of the shipping form.


How long will it take to receive my order?

Orders ship on business days, Monday through Friday (excluding our holidays). Neewho does standard shipping for all United States customers.
Expedited shipping orders (DHL - 4-6 business days). 

All our products are made to order; please allow 4-6 business days of processing time to ensure product quality.

U.S. addresses

  • Standard Ground Shipping: First Item - $4.99, $2/extra item, fixed-rate $40 ≥ 15 Items, items arrive with United States Postal Service for all USA orders.
  • DHL: First Item - $30.00, $10/extra item, fixed-rate $200 ≥ 15 Items, items arrive with DHL for all USA orders.

Non-U.S. Addresses
we only provide standard shipping for your order. It depends on your area. First Item - $5.99, $2/extra item, fixed-rate $25.99 ≥ 11 Items

  • U.S. 8-12 Business days(USPS), 4-6 Business Days(DHL)
  • Canada 11-15 Business days
  • Australia 8-15 Business days
  • the United Kingdom 10-13 Business days
  • Netherlands 10-14 Business days
  • Ireland 10-13 Business days
  • E.U., New Zealand  9-15 Business days
  • Other Countries 8-20 Business Days

For more details, please visit our shipping policy page.


Where can I find sizing information?

Sizing information can be found on all product pages.

Where can I find fabric and materials information?

You're detail-oriented. We like that. Fabric and materials information can be found with the product descriptions on the individual product pages. If you need more detailed information on a specific item, please get in touch with us.

I'm looking for a product I don't see on your website. Is there any way I can order it? 

First of all, thank you for your trust in us. 
At Neewho, we like to keep it fresh, and our collections are updated often to stay in tune with the season.
Please get in touch with us if you want a t-shirt, sweater, vest, or hat design that our shop does not have. We can design it for you (we will not design any products that violate the trademark law)

The item I want to purchase is out of stock. Can I order it and have it shipped when it's available again?

If the words "out of stock" appear or the gray button appears next to the size selection of an item, the item is currently unavailable, but most products can restock within 2 workdays.


What is your return policy?

If unsatisfied, you can return your order for a refund within 30 days of your purchase. Merchandise must be unused, unworn, and in good condition. 

For more details, please visit our returns & refunds policy page.

How do I process a return?

Before the return process starts, you need to get in touch with Neewho and briefly explain the reason for the return.

Please contact us through, and indicate your order number, email, and reason in the message. We will contact you within 12 hours and tell you what to do next. 

How long does it take to get a refund?

Payment or replacement will be issued within 7 business days of receipt.

My account

Are there any benefits to having an account with you? 

Registering for an account makes shopping easier from start to finish, with features including: 

  • Save shipping addresses & billing information
  • Track orders & view order history
  • Make checkouts faster
  • Quickly respond when you leave a message for us from the customer center.

My email address has changed. How do I update this information on my current account? 

We'll get you squared away. Log in to your account to change your email address and other information. 

How do I unsubscribe from your mailing lists?

To unsubscribe from an email, click the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of our emails. If you are having difficulty, please get in touch with us.

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class SpzCustomFileUpload extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.uploadCount_ = 0; this.fileList_ = []; } buildCallback() { this.action = SPZServices.actionServiceForDoc(this.element); this.registerAction('upload', (data) => { this.handleFileUpload_(data.event?.detail?.data || []); }); this.registerAction('delete', (data) => { this.handleFileDelete_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('preview', (data) => { this.handleFilePreview_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('limit', (data) => { this.handleFileLimit_(); }); this.registerAction('sizeLimit', (data) => { this.handleFileSizeLimit_(); }); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } setData_(count, file) { this.uploadCount_ = count; this.fileList_ = file; } handleFileUpload_(data) { data.forEach(i => { if(this.fileList_.some(j => j.url === i.url)) return; this.fileList_.push(i); }) this.uploadCount_++; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileUpload", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); if(this.fileList_.length >= 5){ document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'none'; } if(this.fileList_.length > 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '8px'; } } handleFileDelete_(index) { this.fileList_.splice(index, 1); this.uploadCount_--; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileDelete", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; if(this.fileList_?.length === 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '132px'; } } handleFilePreview_(index) { const finalPreviewData = this.fileList_[index]; const filePreviewModal = document.getElementById('filePreviewModal'); const fullScreenVideo = document.getElementById('fullScreenVideo'); const fullScreenImage = document.getElementById('fullScreenImage'); const previewModalClose = document.getElementById('previewModalClose'); const previewLoading = document.getElementById('previewLoading'); = 'block'; = 'flex'; if(finalPreviewData?.type === 'video'){ const media = this.mediaParse_(this.fileList_[index]?.url); fullScreenVideo.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function() { = 'none'; }); fullScreenImage.src = ''; = 'none'; = 'block'; fullScreenVideo.src = media.mp4 || ''; } else { fullScreenImage.onload = function() { = 'none'; }; fullScreenVideo.src = ''; = 'none'; = 'block'; fullScreenImage.src = finalPreviewData.url; } previewModalClose.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'none'; }); } handleFileLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_limit || 'please do not upload files more than 5'); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileLimit"); } handleFileSizeLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_size_limit || 'File size does not exceed 10M'); } clear(){ this.fileList_ = []; this.uploadCount_ = 0; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleClear", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; } mediaParse_(url) { var result = {}; try { url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function (str, key, value) { try { result[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { result[key] = value; } }); result.preview_image = url.split('?')[0]; } catch (e) {}; return result; } triggerEvent_(name, data) { const event = SPZUtils.Event.create(, name, data); this.action.trigger(this.element, name, event); } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-file-upload', SpzCustomFileUpload);
The review would not show in product details on storefront since it does not support to.

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